Thursday, September 30, 2010

Citizen Kane

In this dramatic film, Citizen Lame, I mean Kane, we found ourselves not interested whatsoever throughout the entire movie. We give this a ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5 stars. The one star is for the cool symbolism, "Rosebud" behind it. We didn't like this movie because it didn't have very much entertainment whatsoever, it was in black and white and the sound wasn't very good, and  its not the type of movie we would generally watch.
The symbolism in the movie was actually particularly awesome. I like how in the beginning it showed him playing in the snow and then the end it showed them burning the sled that said, "Rosebud"

What we mean by no entertainment. It wasn't funny, it wasn't scary, to be completely honest, it didn't even seem dramatic. I guess in a way the music in the beginning was a little dramatic but that was pretty much it for us. We would have rather NOT waited until the end to find out what "rosebud" meant even though it has good symbolism. The beginning of the movie was good, and the end was good, but nothing in the middle kept me wanting to finish watching the movie.

Black and white movies are not our thing. They create an atmosphere of boring, in our opinion. Back then I bet it would be pretty nice having a movie in black and white, but today, in our lives, we are used to scene changes and camera movements every few seconds and we are used to LOTS OF COLOR!:) Also, the music in it kinda tied in with the black and white, meaning boring. Today's music is much better than back then and today it ties in more with movies and also certain parts of movies really well.

Everyone is different, everyone likes different movies. But we, together, like the main genres of comedy, maybe thriller, and definitely horror! We love to be scared, or laughing, or on the edge of our seats waiting to see whats going to happen next, but in this movie, we didn't find any of that at all. Yeah, sure, the symbolism is great, but they could have added more in the middle to spice things up a little and make it a movie that would still be popular today!

So even though we did not like the movie, we still watched it and picked things out that we did like, there wasn't many things but there was a few. Of course, the main one was the symbolism. To be honest, this movie is something we would never, ever, ever watch again!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Great use of sharing your personal voices. Good details. I suggest sharing the review as a professional one, not as a class project....and remove the very last sentence.
